

Can how you stand or sit affect your success? According to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, the answer is Yes. “New research shows posture has a bigger impact on body and mind then previously believed. Striking a powerful, expansive pose actually changes a person’s hormones and behavior, just as if he or she actually had real power.”see more


Anyone who practices yoga, already knows this. I always start off my classes with The Power Pose. First stand up tall, use the YogaForce A-Line Mat to check that your big toes line up and are no more than hip width apart. Push your third toes solidly into the floor and pull the earth energy up your legs, tuck your tail bone under and tilt your pelvis forward and pull your stomach in. You should feel the energy traveling straight up your spinal cord, making you taller. Continue to expand your chest, move your shoulders up back and down. Now you have more room to breathe, so do it. When your neck is straight and your chin is parallel to the floor, breathe up into your brain. Take three deep nose breaths. You should instantly feel better… And a lot more powerful.


Just think of lining everything up, always. YogaForce: Aligning Body and Soul since 1995.


### AEA