Annie Appleby of YogaForce demonstrates the “Rock the Baby Pose” for Tight Hips.
A Pain in the… Annie Teaches You How to Get Rid of It
See # 7 – #11: https://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=2164 (17 Yoga Poses for All-Natural Pain Relief )
Hips retain lots of tension. Our tight hips aren’t just a result of sitting at a desk, in a car, or on the sofa. They’re also a sign of emotional stress building in the body’s largest joint. The hips are the body’s stabilizers, but they also serve as storage units that house issues. By taking the time each and every day to focus ample attention on the hips, you’ll release anxiety, fear, depression, and sadness. The easiest way to get rid of that is with what I like to call “Rock the Baby Pose” as I also teach yoga to kids. Most people can to this pose as your body is ergonomically designed to do it, no matter how old you are.
As reported to Melissa Rudy at SparkPeople.com This Pose is for Sore Hips: Rock the Baby Pose
“This one really opens up the hips, and is an easy pose that anyone can do,” says Annie Appleby, yoga instructor and creator of the YogaForce A-Line Mat.
Starting in an easy crossed legged sitting pose, lift your right foot with your left hand, and tuck your right foot into the crook of your left elbow. Your right shin should be parallel to the floor. With shoulders relaxed and spine straight, cradle your right leg with both arms and rock side to side as if rocking a baby. Repeat with the left leg. www.yogaforce.com
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