Annie in SEDONA. Not in NYC for GOOP
I attended GOOP LA but conflicted out of going to GOOP NYC because I was in The Southwest

My Crystals chose SEDONA
I need to call up Colleen McCann of www.stylerituals.com and apologize for not really taking her seriously when she read my crystals at GOOP LA in June.

Getting Crystals read in June by Colleen McCann
When she predicted that I would definitely, without a doubt be going to Sedona, AZ prior to February 2018, I thought she was nuts. I am more of a New York, Paris, London type. I seriously could not think of any reason to go to the Southwest United States. But, my crystals chose my course. A trip out of the blue came up and I took it. Ironically, I conflicted out of going to GOOP NYC during the same week.
I predicted that GOOP NYC would be SOLD OUT too. It was and it was even more expensive. These events are v well curated. The food is really healthy and delicious and the panel discussions are good. Plus, you really do get great swag.

GP at GOOP New York
Sedona, AZ was beautiful and spiritual and I needed that. So it all worked out.
Here is the blog I wrote in June. https://www.yogaforce.com/just-got-goopd-loved/ Here is what Money Magazine has to say about Colleen McCann https://time.com/money/4957834/this-woman-multitasks-as-a-crystals-expert-career-coach-and-goops-in-house-shaman/ And this is what Fast Company had to say about GOOP NYC: https://www.fastcompany.com/40523038/goops-conference-got-even-weirder-but-somehow-more-professional

Colleen doing a reading for a reporter at GOOP LA in June.
Love GP or hate her, the truth is that she could just sit back and not do anything. It would be v easy. I admire her guts and her ambition. The stars align well for people who try to make the world a better place. She is nuts about lots of things but she is spot on when it comes to healthy food… And, maybe Crystal Readings by Colleen McCann.
Curious about how you too can use the power of crystals? Check out more here: https://motto.time.com/5094035/crystals-beginner-guide/
Update: #GirlPower #GOOP https://mailchi.mp/66ebaabbfb79/sunday-shazam-yoga-force
GOOP is fun! Love the super social experience. Shopping has changed so much with the Internet! See a history here.
### AEA