Annie’s World: Powered by YogaForce

YogaForce Blog

Annie’s World: Powered by YogaForce

Girl Power with Yoga Girl

YogaForce supports Skin Cancer Awareness with Murad and Jessica Biel-Timberlake for Mother’s Day. Girl Power shows up in our awsome YogaForce Ambassdor, Courtney Parnell and Rachel Brathen, author of Yoga Girl.

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Bruce Jenner: Soul Survivor

This was a historical moment for the transgender community. Bruce Jenner was not truely happy being regarded as the best athlete on the face of the earth in 1976 because he was ” living a lie. ” He is very brave and provided great insight on being transgender.

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Passion For Fashion at Neiman Marcus

Pictured above: Caroline Maguire, CUSP Fashion Director and Christine Razzini of Neiman Marcus in Palo Alto, California with Annie Appleby and Madison of YogaForce. Trends to watch for this Spring are Boho, Minimalism, All White and Spice Colors. See...

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News Blues

Ever wonder if the news coverage of the days events can be toxic to your health? I believe that a case can be made that after 9/11, our nation's need to escape, turn off and do yoga for an hour or more a day greatly increased. Americans do a lot of yoga. And what many...

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Feel Better Instantly

      Feel better instantly! If you are sitting down right now, you should get up and move. First, move your shoulders up back and down, so your neck is long and your sternum plate is up and out. This will take pressure off your lower back. Now take a...

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How Does Your Mat Make YOU Feel?

  Our #YogaForce Instagram Ambassador, Courtney Parnell tells her story about how her YogaForce Mat makes her feel on this #besomebody video:  She is a pretty...

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