Annie’s World: Powered by YogaForce
Posture. Alignment. And how to get High in Yoga Class
Annie Appleby, of YogForce demonstrates Posture. Alignment. And how to get High in Yoga Class Good posture means: Chin parallel to the floor Shoulders even (roll your shoulders up, back, and down to help achieve this) Neutral spine (no flexing or arching...
How to Clean a Yoga Mat: DIY Yoga Mat Cleaning
How to clean your yoga mat fast! #DIY Yoga Mat Cleaning
Your Yoga Mat Should Mirror Your Body, The YogaForce Mat is Ergonomic
Your Yoga Mat Should Mirror Your Body, The YogaForce Mat is Ergonomic According to the popular website, Live Strong "Yoga mats come in all shapes and sizes, a standard size does exist. A typical yoga mat is 68 inches long. This size works for most people...
How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle During Winter Months
How To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle During Winter Months from our Guest Blogger Jennifer Scott Staying active and healthy during the winter months can be tricky, especially if you’re the kind of person who would rather burrow down in a warm blanket than...
Guest Blogger Jenny Holt on Using Yoga to Quit Smoking
Using Yoga as an Alternative to Smoke Cessation Smoking remains a leading cause of cancer and other related diseases worldwide. The consequences are dire. It decimates 6 million people each year according to WHO with 5 million deaths due to tobacco use and over...
The Sun Did Come Up and There is Peace in America
Here is the note received the morning of November 9th after a long, hard fight... A fight some of us who voted did not win. Now we have a new President Elect who was solidly victorious in Electorial Votes. The American Brand will live on. The words below, prove...