Want to Feel Better? Use THE YogaForce!

This YogaForce A-Line Mat works for you. Your own proprioception, i.e., how your brain takes in your body’s overall sense of alignment, may be off… like what if you just fell off of
your bike, or tripped in the street? Your body alignment is constantly changing. Get on this mat and you can see the guide lines and readjust your body for optimal performance and benefit. This works for the most expert of yogis all the way to new beginners.

A Case To Fund Fitness Programs In Schools

People are losing real-world connections that hold society together. Fitness Programs in schools cause people to feel less isolated. Sociopathic individuals who commit mass murder have a severe underlying personality disorder and are often loners attracted to the media notoriety involved.

Tell Skin Cancer to Take a Hike with YogaForce

  Join YogaForce for SKIN CANCER TAKE A HIKE on Saturday morning, September 12 on Mt. Diablo in the eastern San Francisco Bay Area. The harder Trail is 7.8 miles from Mitchell Canyon to Eagle Peak, and the easier one is 4.7 miles from Mitchell Canyon to...

Lean In and Get a Patent

  Lean In and Get a Patent If you have a really good idea and you think it may be useful up to twenty years from now, perhaps you should consider getting your intellectual property patented. I have a patented alignment mat (www.yogaforce.com) and I did my first...