product-winebox-300x300This is how I lost 7 pounds in 14 days… and it was EASY! Yea, I am a yoga instructor. But, I am also an entrepreneur and that part requires HOURS at the computer. So, I had been gaining weight. I thought it was age. I was wrong.


What I was eating, I thought was good for me. Yogurt, soy milk, whole grains. Then about 2 weeks ago I visited my friend, Karyn in Sausalito, California and she introduced me to THE PRIMAL BLUEBRINT, a book by Mark Sisson. WOW! You get to drink wine AND lose lbs? Are you kidding me?!? This is a way of life, not a diet, that comes from the Cave Man Diet… eating Old School. IT MAKES SENSE!


These are the 3 things I changed: First READ the ingredient list. I started reading the labels on my soy milk and everything else. OMG, we are eating so much genetically modified food! No wonder Americans are so fat now vs the 1970’s. Skip CORN and SOY because 88 percent of corn and 93 percent of soy products are of the transgenic varieties. I replaced “soy milk” with REAL almond milk by #Califia.


Ever read the ingredients in most Yogurt Brands? First ingredient is often SUGAR. Skip it.


I like chicken, fish and turkey. Again, check the food labels and only eat Free Range and Organic, you do not need all the fake stuff. Humans should NOT eat stuff made in a lab. EVER!


Eat tons on veggies: Greens first and add in mushrooms and onions. Do not count calories, they do not count any more as you will NEVER get hungry on this food plan. Again, try and go Organic here as some frozen foods contain 2 paragraphs of crap.


Second thing I changed that I initially thought would be impossibly sad and excruciatingly hard to live without. I do not eat bread. Fact, I do not miss it at all because now I replace it with Quinoa and Yams.


Google POWER FOODS and choose the stuff you like on the list and go for those foods.


Third thing I changed is that I am FORCED to be more creative about cooking my food. I LOVE to eat out and do so a lot. Ask about your food. Is it FRESH or FARMED salmon? Do not eat the farmed. And eat IN more, that way you can control the ingredients. Christina Aguilera lost 49 pounds by eating IN! And doing YOGA, by the way.


This is what I ate today, for example: Breakfast: coffee with almond milk, pure organic vanilla extract and Truvia/ Stevia and a yam with cinnamon and raspberries from the local Farmer’s Market with butter, heated. Delicious and filling. Lunch: Free range chicken, kale, onions, mushrooms,avocado, olive oil, goat cheese all mixed up in a frying pan… I will either go out for dinner or eat the rest for dinner. And, I will enjoy a glass of wine. Remember that there are 5 glasses to a bottle. Share!


Follow me on or on and let me know how you are doing. Try to drink lots of water every day, about 8 glasses.



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*Alcohol is associated with being “calming” after a long, stressful day, but too much of it can have the total opposite effect. Alcohol increases cortisol, the stress hormone, which can lead to stress and weight gain. So drink responsibly.

Anne E. Appleby
Founder and CEO, YogaForce LLC