It is a busy time in the media and sociologically for stepping out of the old Comfort Zone. First off, we get the girl who was too scared after 45 minutes of trying to get the courage to jump off a cliff in Utah. Her boyfriend wanted her to face her fear so he pushed her off. She was all suited up and ready, just not mentally ready. She later admitted that although they did break up eventually for other reasons, she was thankful to him for pushing her past her limits.
Then Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg comes out with a book called LEAN IN. As a female business owner, I am interested in this new feminism reboot. I was always the Founder and Chief Creative of YogaForce LLC, a luxury brand based in the San Francisco Bay Area, specializing in yoga and Pilates mats and spa accessories. My cards and my e-mail signature still say “Chief Creative”. We just launched this new web site and it says I am the CEO on the Home Page. The reason I got the courage to change it came from a colleague who said when she saw my card “Ummm Chief Creative? I think you need to change that. It just means you are too scared to be what you can be and that is the CEO.” She was right. You really start making things happen when you have the will and the courage to jump.
### AEA